Miracle in Ganapatipule

Just before the programmes at Ganapathiphule started, Mr. Chavhan and seven yogis went with Shri Mataji to do a public programme in Ratnagiri. After the programme was finished, they were to catch a ferry back to Mumbai. On being told that this ferry would be very late, Shri Mataji said …

The first mobile phone

In 1986 there was the first New Year Puja at Alibagh. A miracle took place in the house. Shri Mataji reached there around 7.00p.m. from Ganapathiphule, and many other Western yogis too. When Mother stepped out of the car She was so surprised. ‘This place is so beautiful. I always …

Slowly it Settled

Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara at Nargol in 1970. I am not one of the initial eleven disciples, out of which hardly one or two are living now. I was one of the second batch, so to say, in 1973. In those days we had programs every day. We used …