A very ordinary camera

Mother had gone to Lucknow to attend a marriage, in 1989. When Shri Mataji came back to Delhi, the flight was delayed and we had arranged a public programme for Shri Mataji in Noida. By nine o’clock Shri Mataji had still not arrived, because of the delayed flight. At nine …

Miracle in Ganapatipule

Just before the programmes at Ganapathiphule started, Mr. Chavhan and seven yogis went with Shri Mataji to do a public programme in Ratnagiri. After the programme was finished, they were to catch a ferry back to Mumbai. On being told that this ferry would be very late, Shri Mataji said …

Slowly it Settled

Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara at Nargol in 1970. I am not one of the initial eleven disciples, out of which hardly one or two are living now. I was one of the second batch, so to say, in 1973. In those days we had programs every day. We used …