This is Nirmal Vidya

Shri Mataji would explain how we have to remain in the collectivity and behave as Sahaja Yogis. She always gave and is giving importance to meditation. She made all of us meditate and one by one put attention on all the chakras. This Mooladhara and then you go upwards and …

Early India tours

The second India tour was 1979-80 and that began with flying from the UK to Delhi with Shri Mataji. We stayed at Shri Mataji’s daughter’s house. It was a tour, but it wasn’t like the ones that followed because we used to just travel around in either the car with …

Only a Mother’s job

This is a story from 1973-4. My mother was just recently introduced to Sahaja Yoga and to Shri Mataji. She was at the early stages of experiencing vibrations, experiencing within herself. At that time my parents were living in Ambanath, which is a suburb of Mumbai, and one day  someone …